XIII European Mountain Convention – Mountain economies

Euromontana, the Government of Catalonia and CREAF co-organised the XIII edition of the European Mountain Convention in Puigcerdà, Catalonia, from 15 to 18 October 2024.
The biannual gathering of European mountain stakeholders focused on Shaping the future of mountain economies. The event was build on the 2050 vision for mountain areas articulated during the previous European Mountain Convention held in Calabria in 2022, and focused on how to make mountain economies more sustainable, resilient and prosperous.
Mountain economies are based on economic sectors that are the beating heart of mountain areas, provide employment to mountain communities and essential ecosystem services to the society at large, and are often embedded in territorial identities and values. However, these value chains face a number of economic, social and environmental challenges, exacerbated by the geographical constraints of mountain areas. The XIII European Mountain Convention was an opportunity to explore and identify solutions and pathways to overcome some of these challenges.
Field visits, high-level plenary sessions and interactive discussions on how to overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities of mountain areas are a staple of the European Mountain Conventions.

Event material
Plenary presentations
- Smart economy – Genís Roca, President, Fundació.cat
- The future of European mountain value chains – Thomas Egger, Director, Swiss Association for Mountain Regions
- Reconciling territorial development and demographic decline – Enrique Garcilazo, Deputy Head of the Regional Development Division and Head of the Rural Unit, OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities
- The new Catalan strategy for mountains regions – Carlos Guàrdia Carbonell, General Director for Mountain Policies, Government of Catalonia
- Working for and with nature in mountain areas – Ulrike Müller, Member of the Bavarian Parliament
- Laying the foundations for success: how to attract and retain workers – Joan Martí, Director of Business Strategy, ACCIÓ (public agency for the competitiveness of Catalan businesses), Government of Catalonia
- Beyond the local: how to take advantage of rural-urban linkages – František Kubeš, Head of Strategic Development and Cooperation Department, Brno City Municipality
Workshops presentations
Workshop 1
- MOVING: Bringing value to Mountains through Value Chains – Mar Delgado-Serrano, Full Professor, University of Cordoba
- Collective promotion of French mountain products through the ALTITUDE association – Jérémie Bosch, Mountain Officer, La Coopération Agricole
- From meat and wine to apples and dairy products: the strengths and challenges of South Tyrolean quality products – Cristina Stuffer and Elisa Hölzl, Economic researchers, Institute for economic research from the Chamber of Commerce Bolzano
Workshop 2
- Cadí, the Catalan Pyrenees dairy cooperative – Anna Puigcercós, General Director, Cadí
- Wool, a natural resource from the mountains of Europe – Marie-Thérèse Chaupin, Coordinator and Delegate for European relations, ATELIER-Laines d’Europe association
- Pyrenean bike manufacturers: an example of a strategy creating territorial value – Joël Maitia, Europe and Cross-Border Cooperation Project Manager, Pyrenees Agency
- Bringing the secondary sector back to Valmalenco valley – Leonardo La Rocca Project and innovation manager, CISA Consulting and Giuditta Mascetti, Junior project manager, CISA Consulting
Workshop 3
- Caucasus Trading Platform – Bridge to global markets for the niche products of the South Caucasus – Natia Chopliani, Deputy Executive Director, Caucasus Network for Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions
- Climatig – How much will climate change cost you? – Danijel Bertović, Chief Executive Officer, Sensum Consulting
Workshop 4
- From the Pyrenees to the World: outdoor 360º – Lluís Rabaneda, Chief Executive Officer, RocRoi
- Cerdanya’s MICE strategy: a public-private agenda to boost competitiveness – Adriana Cantos, representative, business association Empresariat Cerdanya
- Social entrepreneurship in the mountain areas – Elena Badeanschi, International Relations and Projects Manager, Federation of Trentino Cooperatives
Workshop 5
- EmbleMatiC Mediterranean Mountains network & project:A rethinking tourism practice in the Med hinterland areas – Dr. Konstantinos Zapounidis, Head of Unit, Department of Projects and Programmes Management, Pieriki Anaptixiaki S.A.-O.L.A
- European Tourism Sustainability – Monitoring 2030 – Adrian-Radu Rey, President, RoMontana (Romanian National Association for Mountains and Rural Development)
- FGC Turisme: Transitioning to a sustainable tourism model for mountain resorts – Bernadette Campà Roca, FGC Turisme
- Transitions of Mountain Resorts : the case of St Pierre de Chartreuse/Le Planolet Ski resort – Emmanuelle George, Researcher, INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment)
Workshop 6
- Economic incentives for ecosystem services from extensive grazing – Elena Górriz, Co-Head – Socioeconomics and Governance of Rural Systems, CTFC (Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia)
- Integrating grazing into fire risk management strategies – Raphaële Charmetant and Anne Rouquette, Pastoralism Officers, Occitanie Chamber of Agriculture
- Resilient landscapes in Catalonia – Josep Milà Puigdomènech, Biologist, Technical Office of the Catalan Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, Government of Catalonia
- The ‘Del Parc al Plat’ initiative and the forest climate credits of Catalonia – Marc Garriga Lujan, Director, Alt Pirineu Natural Park
Workshop 7
- Experience from Làctics l’Esquella – Isabel Guasch, Chief Executive Officer, Làctics L’Esquella
- Women and generational replacement in mountain economies: challenges and opportunities – Laia Ciuraneta Martí, Member, Alliance of Organisations of Rural Women – PIMEC Foundation | ADR
- The Epirus Mountain Labs Network – Sotiris Tsoukarelis, Founder and President, The High Mountains social cooperative
- RURALPLAN, Innovative planning in shrinking societies – Kjell Overvåg, Professor, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Workshop 8
- How Realserma Rural tackles housing in rural mountain areas of Spain – Débora Serrano Martínez, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Realserma Rural
- Forest Sharing®: The innovative platform for aggregated and sustainable forest management – Ilaria Zorzi, PhD and Project Manager, Bluebiloba, innovative startup – University of Florence spin-off
- Rooting Territorial Equity – Elisabeth Tuà Sardà, Activity Coordinator for the Regional and Urban Planning and Architecture Authority, Government of Catalonia
- The moutain parliament & the sustainable housing plan – Simon Moulines, Mission director, Region Occitanie