Position papers

The European Year of Rail in 2021: make it work for mountainous regions

Euromontana's recommendations for the European Year of Rail in 2021

The European Commission proposed to make 2021 the European Year of Rail. The proposal aims at enhancing the objectives of the Green Deal in terms of sustainable mobility by focusing on rail mobility next year through the organisation of events and campaigns in 2021.
Euromontana welcomes the proposal, which could be an opportunity to discuss the development of rail transport in mountain areas.

Find in this position paper:

  • A summary of the challenges related to rail transport in mountain areas, for local communities for also for businesses and for the benefit of the environment.
  • Recommendations to make the European Year of Rail work for mountainous regions, including by exploring options to improve the viability of rural train lines, to develop mixed passengers/freight train lines, to organise debates with mountain citizens and to consider the needs of the tourism industry among others.

Release date
8 April 2020

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