To decrease car dependency, a tailored made low-carbon transport strategy targeting the daily mobility of workers was implemented in Sankt Veit im Pongau.
To decrease car dependency, a tailored made low-carbon transport strategy targeting the daily mobility of workers was implemented in Sankt Veit im Pongau.
This policy brief for Euromontana members introduces the European instruments for post-COVID recovery and the opportunities - but also the risks - they present for mountain areas
Cozzano has embarked on its energy transition by investing in sustainable production, with the ultimate aim of becoming a positive energy village.
Cozzano is a community of 270 inhabitants located in the high valley of Taravo in southern Corsica. By using connected devices and collecting environmental data, Smart Paesi’s partners want to increase the climate and energy resilience of the village.
Euromontana has been closely involved in the consultation process of the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas. This position paper presents the main recommendations of Euromontana for an efficient implementation.
In the framework of the EU Green Deal, the European Commission announced the adoption of a new Strategy for Sustainable and Smart Mobility to help reducing transport-related greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2050.
The European Commission proposed to make 2021 the European Year of Rail. Euromontana welcomes the proposal, which could be an opportunity to discuss the development of rail transport in mountain areas.
Euromontana's factsheet is addressed to Managing Authorities and provides guidance on how to better take into account mountain areas in the 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy.
The Jura Arc carpooling project promotes car-sharing in this mid-mountain region, which is underserved by public transport. The initiative aims to make it easier for local workers to get around, while promoting social links and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.