The “Opti’soins” initiative aims to address these inequalities and better identify the need for mobile care. 110 pregnant women in 4 mountain areas benefit from this new medical assistance.
The “Opti’soins” initiative aims to address these inequalities and better identify the need for mobile care. 110 pregnant women in 4 mountain areas benefit from this new medical assistance.
To encourage companies in engaging in the Silver Economy sector in ageing mountain villages, a call was launched to support the development of new mobile goods and services useful for senior citizens in the market.
Rural and mountain areas can find solutions to demographic change and ageing. This was the main message of the final conference of the SILVER SMEs project, held in Brussels on 21 February.
The European Parliament welcomes the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas developed by the European Commission since 2021 but suggests going further. This is the message sent by MEPs in the report adopted in plenary session in December 2022 on “a long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas – Towards stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas by 2040”.
Mountain areas do not receive sufficient specific consideration, concludes the European Committee of the Regions in its recently adopted opinion.
The AVENIR project has developed a global approach to the integration of unaccompanied minors, focusing on vocational training but also on their social, cultural, and linguistic integration.
To tackle the challenges of access to administrative services for isolated rural mountainous residents, the Intermunicipal Community of Terras de Trás-os-Montes created in 2018 itinerant services points.
This policy brief for Euromontana members takes a detailed look at the measures proposed in the new EU flagship initiative for rural Europe: the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas
This policy brief for Euromontana members examines policies that can help regions tackle depopulation while avoiding the effects of seasonal overtourism