The tourism sector is facing escalating challenges linked to climate change. Launched in 2021, the Plan for the Future of Mountains is a large-scale public policy aimed at supporting mountain areas in the green transition of the tourism sector.
The tourism sector is facing escalating challenges linked to climate change. Launched in 2021, the Plan for the Future of Mountains is a large-scale public policy aimed at supporting mountain areas in the green transition of the tourism sector.
More than 200 mountain stakeholders from all over Europe gathered around the theme of the future of economies and, in thematic workshops, co-constructed the Puigcerdà Declaration "Mountain economies: Ensuring a vibrant future for mountain economies".
The European Court of Auditors has recently focused on adaptation in mountain areas in a report concluding that significant gaps and inconsistencies in implementation at the local level are hampering adaptation to climate change
This 26th world conference, organised jointly by our member CE-MONT, the Institute for Economic and Social Research and the National Agency for Mountain Areas, aims to explore the challenges linked to tourism and rural areas through various themes ranging from rural development, agritourism and sustainable tourism to cross-border cooperation and economic growth.
Euromontana, together with Eureka 21 and ADTconsult, has carried out for the French National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires) the study “Climate change in mountain areas: meeting the challenge of adapting water management and tourism.
This study focuses on the challenges of adaptation in water and tourism management in mountain areas. It analyses the policies and practices implemented in 5 European mountain countries
Silver Tourism aims to support the development of tourism activities adapted to older adults by improving the capacity of tourism operators in rural and mountain areas.
The XI European Mountain Convention will focus on the tangible and intangible cultural heritage in mountain areas and on how this strategic resource, inherited from the past, can be a key asset for developing sustainable and attractive mountain areas in the future.
The ASCENT project has sought to implement solutions that respect local traditions and practices regarding tourism.