The XII European Mountain Convention concluded with the adoption of the Sila Declaration, which sets out Euromontana's approach and vision of smart mountain areas towards 2050
The XII European Mountain Convention concluded with the adoption of the Sila Declaration, which sets out Euromontana's approach and vision of smart mountain areas towards 2050
Mountain.TRIP aims to provide stakeholders with readily accessible and understandable forms of research-based information relevant to sustainable development in mountain regions.
The VII European Mountain Convention will develop a shared vision of innovation and how it can benefit key mountain sectors
Europe needs a change of paradigm to better deal with wildfires. Euromontana organised a policy debate at the European Parliament on 24 October as part of the FIRE-RES research project.
RUSTIK partners gathered in Parma (Italy) from 16th to 19th of October 2023 for a productive annual project meeting hosted by CREA, the Council for Agricultural Research. One year after the start of the project, the partners had the opportunity to present and reflect on the progress made in all the Work Packages and to plan the next steps for the coming year.
We are pleased to invite you to the 5th forest innovation workshop, a biennial European initiative which promotes networking and exchanges among the community of forestry and wood industry innovators and actors.
MountResilience kicked-off in Ponte di Legno (Italy) on the 19th – 20th and 21st September 2023. MountResilience (Accelerating transformative climate adaptation for higher resilience in European mountain regions) targets mountain territories and their communities to help them adapt to climate change.
We are organising the final conference of our Horizon 2020 project SIMRA. The event will showcase the project’s main findings and discuss the policy opportunities to encourage social innovation and the possibilities to empower rural communities
We are pleased to invite you to the 4th forest innovation workshop, a biennial European initiative which promotes networking and exchanges among the community of forestry and wood industry innovators and actors.