Together with 27 other EU agrifood organisations, we have sent a joint letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and & Commissioner Piotr Serafin to express our concern on the next MFF.
Together with 27 other EU agrifood organisations, we have sent a joint letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and & Commissioner Piotr Serafin to express our concern on the next MFF.
Euromontana has been selected together with 30 other European organisations to form the new European Board on Agriculture and Food (EBAF). We will be represented by Mario Grillo, 1st Vice-President of Euromontana, and will share the messages and demands of Europe’s mountains for better recognition and support of mountain farming!
At a time when farming in our regions is threatened more than ever by a lack of viability and generational renewal, Euromontana calls on Mr Hansen to propose concrete measures to support mountain farmers in the forthcoming vision.
More than 200 mountain stakeholders from all over Europe gathered around the theme of the future of economies and, in thematic workshops, co-constructed the Puigcerdà Declaration "Mountain economies: Ensuring a vibrant future for mountain economies".
A new CAP raises awareness of the opportunities offered by the new Common Agriculture Policy and how it contributes to structuring supply chains in mountain areas.
PEGASUS aims to stimulate a long-lasting improvement in the provision of public goods and ecosystem services from agricultural and forest land in the European Union.
The XII European Mountain Convention concluded with the adoption of the Sila Declaration, which sets out Euromontana's approach and vision of smart mountain areas towards 2050
The IX European Mountain Convention will explore European agricultural policies, including the CAP, and how they can contribute to supporting mountain farming. The event will also facilitate networking between LAGs from mountain areas accross Europe.
The III European Mountain Convention aims to build a vision for mountain areas to unlock their potential and overcome their natural handicaps so that their unique assets can be safeguarded for the benefit of Europe.