Project info
Funding programme: Interreg Europe
Duration: 1 June 2018 – 31 May 2023
Coordinator: Province of Teruel (Spain)
Identification and Implementation of Regional Policies to take advantage of the Silver Economy derived opportunities

SILVER SMEs aims to identify and implement regional policies that promote the growth of SMEs by exploiting the opportunities offered by the Silver Economy in rural and mountain areas.
To this end, SILVER SMEs built on interregional cooperation and knowledge exchange. The analysis of regional economic contexts through a SWOT methodology (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) and the exchange of good practices from all over Europe resulted in the elaboration of 8 regional action plans. Each action plan includes a series of measures adapted to the specificities, challenges, and opportunities of each territory.
The partnership consists of 9 partners from European rural and mountain areas. Euromontana is the advisory partner and leader of the communication and dissemination activities. Three Euromontana members are part of the consortium: the province of Teruel, SODEBUR – Society for the Development of the Province of Burgos and the Soca Valley Development Centre – Posoški razvojni centre.
Through action plans tailored to the needs of each territory, SILVER SMEs has helped to raise awareness among local and regional policy makers and rural SMEs of the growing needs of an ageing population. The project has contributed to improving knowledge of the Silver Economy and its different applications in rural and mountain areas, and to training entrepreneurs from different sectors, including the social economy and tourism.
By working with a wide range of local stakeholders, SILVER SMEs has succeeded in integrating the Silver Economy into training and research programmes to ensure its development in the coming years.
Finally, the project has contributed to the improvement of local and regional policies in the project partner regions by integrating demographic issues and support for the Silver Economy sector. In this way, the project contributes to the long-term improvement of the quality of life of older people living in rural areas by developing the offer of goods and services adapted to their needs in these areas.
More generally, through the collection of good practices and the exchange of knowledge, SILVER SMEs enables other rural and mountain areas to learn from the experience of others and to replicate successful initiatives.
Key results
Highlights from the final conference
held in Brussels (February 2023), the event report of SILVER SMEs’ closing event will give you an overview on European, regional and local policies can support the rural Silver Economy
3 brochures of best practices
to inspire you, actors on the ground, regional and local policymakers, and rural SMEs, with real examples of successful initiatives to boost the Silver Economy and improve the quality of life of rural older adults:
8 action plans
for you, the local and regional authorities, who want to get some inspiration and find out how our partners have built and funded their actions in the regions:
Check out the action plans for Aragon (Spain) | Burgos (Spain) | Dalarna (Sweden) | Lubuskie (Poland) | Northern Primorska (Slovenia) | Intermunicipal Community do Ave (Portugal) | South-West Ireland (Ireland) | Hauts-de-France (France)