Shaping the future of mountain economies – Introducing the Puigcerdà Declaration

From 15 to 18 October 2024, mountain actors from across Europe gathered in Puigcerdà, Catalonia, to discuss the future of mountain economies as part of the 13th European Mountain Convention. Hosted by the Government of Catalonia and co-organised with Euromontana and CREAF, the event was the opportunity for participants to collectively reflect non the challenges and opportunities facing mountain economies.
On 11th of December, International Mountain Day, Euromontana and the Government of Catalonia and CREAF will organise a policy debate to share the main recommendations that emerged from the European Mountain Convention and discuss the way forward for mountains in the context of renewed European institutions.
What to expect
The event will be an opportunity to present the Puigcerdà Declaration and the recommendations put forward by mountain communities to shape prosperous, resilient, and sustainable mountain economies.
It will also give the floor to European policy representatives to explore how the needs expressed by mountain stakeholders can be addressed at the European level in the context of the new European mandate.
A drink will be served from 17.30 to allow for further discussions and networking.
Practical information
The event will take place at the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to the European Union (rue de la Loi, 227 – 1040 Brussels, Belgium).
The event language will be English.