
Final Declaration

The Puigcerdà Declaration for prosperous, resilient and sustainable mountain economies.


The Declaration of Puigcerdà for prosperous, sustainable, and resilient mountain economies that thrive in the face of tomorrow’s challenges. This Declaration was finalised based on the ideas shared by the speakers and the recommendations formulated by the participants during the interactive workshops. It was presented on 11 December in Brussels on International Mountain Day.



Explore the full event report to find the key messages of the Convention.


The report covers the entire Convention and summarises the key messages shared by the speakers in the plenary sessions and workshops. It also focuses on the interactive part of the 8 workshops and presents the ideas and recommendations elaborated by the participants.



Dive into the inspiring keynote speeches and insightful workshops by exploring the speakers' presentations.


Keynote presentations:


Workshop 1


Workshop 2


Workshop 3


Workshop 4


Workshop 5


Workshop 6


Workshop 7


Workshop 8


Capture the essence of the event and relive each moment through the photo gallery!



Watch the event videos and recordings from the plenary sessions (in their original language) on YouTube!

All videos

For any question or assistance, please contact info@euromontana.org