Project info
Funding programme: Horizon Europe
Duration: 1 September 2023 – February 2028
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Milano – UMIL, through its University Centre of Excellence “Mountain University” (UNIMONT)
Solutions for Resilient Communities in European Mountain Areas

MountResilience (Accelerating transformative climate adaptation for higher resilience in European mountain regions) aims to support mountain regions and communities in their transition towards a climate-resilient society. To do so, innovative solutions will be developed and tested in 6 demonstrator regions, together addressing a variety of challenges from water management to transition in the tourism sector. Those solutions will be nature-based at their core and will address the political, governance and societal needs of the territories concerned.
These multi-level, multidimensional and replicable climate change adaptation (CCA) solutions will then be scaled up in other regional and local settings, in a process involving 4 so called “replicator” regions, as well as a broader Community of Practice on CCA in mountain areas that will be developed by Euromontana during the project.
MountResilience brings together 47 partners from 12 European countries, representing the great diversity of mountain areas, actors and challenges. Euromontana leads the activities relevant to dissemination, policy uptake, and the development of a European Community of Practice on CCA in mountain areas. Several members of Euromontana are also involved in MountResilience: UNIMONT (University of Milan) (Italy) as coordinator, as well as the Innovation Centre of the Podkarpackie Region (Poland), the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications CREAF (Spain), the Government of Catalonia (Spain), and the Italian National Union of Mountain Municipalities UNCEM (Italy).
Expected impact
Ultimately, the ambition is to help mountainous regions become more capable of adapting to climate change and becoming more resilient to climate-related hazards.
A further important societal impact is related to vulnerable groups, as global trends in inequality and climate change are closely related. MountResilience will contribute to reducing the social issues exacerbated by climate change in mountain areas.
Finally, MountResilience will allow climate resilience solutions to be developed, tested and brought closer to large scale implementation. Indeed, the project aspires to get past the stage of development and testing of innovative solutions in the demo areas and bring CCA solutions closer to the market and ready to be launched within the demo and replicator regions and beyond. As part of the project, Replicator regions will indeed develop their own Replication Plans to adapt some of the solutions tested in pilot regions to their own local needs.
Universita degli studi di milano (coordinator)
Applied research and communications fund
Meta group srl
Inova+ – innovation services, sa
Holland farming agro srl
Technische universitaet wien
Zentrum fur soziale innovation gmbh (zsi)
Regione piemonte
Institutul de cercetare – dezvoltare pentru montanologie Cristian – sibiu
Universita degli studi di torino
Rohealth – clusterul pentru sanatate si bioeconomie
Klimabundnis tirol
Municipality of gabrovo
Amt der tiroler landesregierung
Comuna rau sadului
Energieagentur tirol gmbh
Universitaet innsbruck
Revolve planet
Coutenza canali cavour
Regional innovation center ambitious gabrovo
Regional council of lapland
Technical university – gabrovo
Consorzio del pesio
Podkarpackie wojewodztwo
Centro de investigacion ecologica y aplicaciones forestales
Unione nazionale comuni comunita enti montani
Politecnico di torino
Departament de territori – generalitat de catalunya
Federation europeenne de finances et banques ethiques et alternatives
Zavod za prostorno uredenje primorsko-goranske zupanije
Universita degli studi di trieste
Regione autonoma friuli-venezia giulia
Startup europe regions network
Urbanex doo za gradevinarstvo
Standortagentur tirol gmbh
Finnish lapland tourist board
Enontekion kunta
Utsjoen kunta
Podkarpackie centrum innowacji spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Canton de Valais
Bluark Entremont
Apptitude SA