Project info
Funding programme: 7th Framework Programme (FP7) – environment
Duration: 1 December 2009 – 30 November 2011
Coordinator: Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria)
More info: project brochure
Mountain Sustainability: Transforming Research into Practice, regional development, new communication tools

Mountain.TRIP (Mountain Sustainability: Transforming Research into Practice, regional development, new communication tools) aims to provide stakeholders with readily accessible and understandable forms of research-based information relevant to sustainable development in mountain regions.
To do so, mountain.TRIP translates research findings from past EU funded projects into useful information for mountain stakeholders. The project does not only disseminate research results but digests and popularises them to make them more accessible to end-users, both in style and form of content. Continuous interaction with practioners through regional workshops is part of the methodology to ensure that the materials developed meet their needs.
The partnership consists of 6 partners from 5 EU and non-EU mountain countries. Euromontana is in charge of the stakeholders’ engagement, building on the multi-actors assets of its network. One Euromontana member is part of the consortium: the University of the Highlands and Islands.
Mountain.TRIP contributed to improving the understanding and use of research results and tools by mountain stakeholders. Research projects produce valuable results and tools but often lack time and resources to properly disseminate them among targeted stakeholders. Moreover, research results are understandable by the scientific community but sometimes not easily accessible and assimilable by the general public. Mountain.TRIP has helped to close this gap by digesting and popularising the most useful research results for the sustainable development of mountain areas.
Working on a wide range of completed research projects, mountain.TRIP has contributed to increasing the knowledge of mountain stakeholders on a variety of topics, ranging from climate change adaptation, mountain products, new technologies to biodiversity protection.
More widely, mountain.TRIP has raised awareness among the general public of the contribution of research and innovation, and the relevant EU-funded projects, to the development of mountain territories.
Key results
This section provides you an overview of the project's results. Please note the links to Mountain.TRIP's results are no longer available. For any question on this project, please contact info[a]
Main outcomes
a communication platform containing a social network (mountain.COMMUNITY)
a data base on mountain-related EU-funded projects (mountain.PROJECTS)
a handbook on how to find results of European mountain research (mountain.SEARCH)
a collection of short videos (mountain.TUBE)
a wiki-tool (mountain.WOCUR)
The project also produced recommendations for funding strategies, research agendas, formal requirements, communication tools, formats and improvement of project documentation on the CORDIS database
Other materials were also produced, such as a set of brochures on “Carpathian fine food – from your farm to everyone’s table” to provide stakeholders with the research findings from the European project EuroMARC and demonstrate their usefulness in the national context of Romania