Project info
Funding programme: European Union’s Directorate General Regional and Urban Policy
Duration: 1 October 2021 – 1 October 2022
Coordinator: Euromontana
Website :
How does the Cohesion Policy shape mountains ?

Montana174 is a large communication campaign aimed at informing citizens and stakeholders in Europe’s mountain regions about the many opportunities offered by the Cohesion Policy and providing them with all the tools for success in using these funds in mountain regions.
To this end, Montana174 analysed the new Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 and its funding programmes in the mountains and disseminated the information to the general public, potential beneficiaries and local decision-makers. The project also collected inspiring examples of initiatives funded between 2014 and 2020 to illustrate how Cohesion Policy is everywhere in our lives. Various communication tools were used to better disseminate the information, including brochures, videos, publications on social or local media or workshops with citizens. The communication campaign focused both on the 5 partner regions and on 5 topics of major importance for mountain regions across Europe: social and digital innovation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, tourism, youth & employment or mobility.
The partnership consists of 6 partners from mountain regions. Euromontana is the project coordinator. Three Euromontana members are part of the consortium: ERSAF Ente Regionale per i Servizi all’Agricoltura e alle Foreste, PINS Local Development Agency, and the province of Teruel.
Montana174 has helped to raise awareness among mountain citizens of the importance of European funding policies and instruments, such as the Cohesion Policy. More generally, the project has also drawn attention to Article 174 of the European Treaties and shown that the European Union pays special attention to mountain regions. Through the use of mass communication, Montana174 has helped to disseminate information and make Cohesion Policy more concrete for local communities, also improving their capacities.
The project also helped actors in 5 mountain regions to understand why and how to use the new 2021-2027 funds for the sustainable development of their territory. Through a thematic approach, Montana174 also informed mountain citizens from all over Europe how to use Cohesion Policy to finance initiatives related to social and digital innovation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, tourism, youth & employment or mobility. The impact of the project will be felt throughout the duration of the current Cohesion Policy until 2027.
Key results
5 thematic brochures of good practices
to help you, mountain citizen, understand how the 2014-2020 Cohesion Policy improved daily life in Europe’s mountains in recent years:
Innovation in English | French | Italian | Croatian | Slovenian | Spanish
Climate action in English | French | Italian | Croatian | Slovenian | Spanish
Tourism in English | French | Italian | Croatian | Slovenian | Spanish
Youth and employment in English | French | Italian | Croatian | Slovenian | Spanish
Mobility in English | French | Italian | Croatian | Slovenian | Spanish
5 regional brochures of good practices
to guide you through the life of mountain people and discover how they benefit from the 2014-2020 Cohesion Policy
Mountain walk in the mountains of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes in English | French
Mountain walk in the mountains of the Lombardy Region in English | Italian
Mountain walk in the mountains of Croatia in English | Croatian
Mountain walk in the mountains of Slovenia in English | Slovenian
Mountain walk in the mountains of the Aragon Region in English | Spanish
5 thematic factsheets on the new Cohesion Policy
to guide you through some of the programmes of the 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy and how you can use these funds for initiatives related to:
Innovation in English | French | Italian | Croatian | Slovenian | Spanish
Climate action in English | French | Italian | Croatian | Slovenian | Spanish
Tourism in English | French | Italian | Croatian | Slovenian | Spanish
Youth and employment in English | French | Italian | Croatian | Slovenian | Spanish
Mobility in English | French | Italian | Croatian | Slovenian | Spanish
5 regional factsheets on the new Cohesion Policy
for you, citizens of the focus regions, to discover the priorities and how to benefit from the 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy in your region:
Cohesion Policy in region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes in English | French
Cohesion Policy in region Lombardy in English | Italian
Cohesion Policy in Croatia in English | Croatian
Cohesion Policy in Slovenia in English | Slovenian
Cohesion Policy in region Aragon in English | Spanish
17 video testimonials
for you to discover concrete initiatives funded by the Cohesion Policy and understand in less than two minutes how these European funds improve daily life in mountain areas!
5 short capacity building videos
to hear from local experts and Managing Authorities and learn about their tips on Cohesion Policy
Highlights from the final conference
held in Brussels (September 2022), the event report from the closing event of Montana174 will provide you with insights from European, regional and local policie-makers and stakeholders on how to foster the effective uptake of Cohesion Policy funds in mountain areas