Governing bodies

General Assembly

The General Assembly is composed of all Euromontana member organisations . It meets every year and is responsible for all decisions concerning the network and the activities of the association. In particular, the General Assembly defines the guidelines and positions on the fundamental issues for the sustainable development of the mountains. It also elects the members of the Board of Directors, votes on the activity reports and controls the budgets.

Discover our members

Board of Directors

Euromontana’s Board of Directors consists of a maximum of 30 members who supervise and implement the decisions of the General Assembly. It provides expertise on specific issues and on the management of the network. In particular, it is responsible for approving the admission of new members. The Board meets about 3 times a year.
It is elected by the members at the General Assembly for a term of 4 years. The Board elects from among its members a President, a Treasurer and up to 5 Vice-Presidents.

Laura Gascon Herrero

Laura Gascón Herrero


Province of Teruel – Spain

Mario Grillo

Mario Grillo

First Vice-President

Cia Agricoltori Italiani – Italy

Dominique Fayel

Dominique Fayel


FNSEA – France

Juanan Gutierrez

Juan Andrès Gutierrez


Basque Government HAZI – Spain

Witold Kozłowski

Witold Kozłowski


Region of Malopolska – Poland

Adrian Radu Rey

Adrian-Radu Rey


Romontana – Romania


Danijel Bertović


SENSUM – Croatia

George Alexakis

Georges Alexakis

Board member

Region of Creete – Greece

Hanne Alstrup Velure

Hanne Alstrup Velure

Board member

 Innlandet County Council – Norway


Elena Badeanschi

Board member

Federazione Trentina della cooperazione – Italy


Name to be confirmed

Board member

Maramures County Council – Romania

Bernat Claramunt

Bernat Claramunt

Board member

CREAF – Spain

Anna Giorgi

Anna Giorgi

Board member


Klavdija Gornik

Klavdija Gornik

Board member

Regional development agency for Podravje Maribor – Slovenia

Carlos Guàrdia Carbonell

Board member

Region of Catalonia – Spain

Christophe Leger

Christophe Léger

Board member

Association of France’s chambers of agriculture – France

Fabio Losio

Fabio Losio

Board member

ERSAF – Italy

Anne Kristine Norman

Anne Kristine Norman

Board member

 Buskerud County Council – Norway

Kjell Overvag

Kjell Overvåg

Board member

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences – Norway

Simao Pinho

Simão Pinho

Board member

Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), Mountain Research Centre (CIMO) – Portugal

Dilyana Slavova

Dilyana Slavova

Board member

Mountain Milk Association – Bulgaria


The Senate is the advisory body of Euromontana. It is made up of several founding members of the association and of people who have been involved with the network for a long time and who provide valuable input and expertise to the association. Euromontana’s Senate is currently made of 7 members.

Robert Duclos

Robert Duclos was President of Euromontana from 1996 to 2000. A farmer and producer of milk and wine in the Loire (France), he is one of the founding members of Euromontana and its Honorary President. A passionate advocate of mountain farming, he has served as President of the Loire Chamber of Agriculture and has been involved in the creation of a number of organisations, including the FNSEA Mountain Group, the Interdepartmental Service for the Development of the Massif Central (SIDAM) and French Farmers and International Development (AFDI).
He has been a member of the Senate since 2004.

Jörg Wyder

Jörg Wyder chaired the Euromontana working group from 1982 to 1992. A graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Zurich (Switzerland), Jörg Wyder has dedicated his career to the mountains. A founding member of Euromontana, he played a leading role in the development of the network in the 1980s and in the creation of the association. He was also Director of SAB - Swiss Association for Mountain Areas - from 1980 to 2002 and has contributed to a wide range of initiatives for rural and mountain areas in the Balkans, South America and Asia.
He has been a member of the Senate since 2004.

Radu Rey

Radu Rey is a founding member of Euromontana and was Vice-President from 2000 to 2004. Professor and Doctor of the Mountain Faculty of the University of Iasi (Romania), his name is associated with more than 200 publications on agro-rural development in mountain areas. He has led a number of initiatives for the mountains of Vatra Dornei, including the creation of the first scientific mountain research body, the Centre for Mountain Economics (CE-MONT), and at national level as Secretary of State of the Mountain Commission at the Ministry of Agriculture and then as Director of the National Agency for Mountain Areas. He has been a member of the Senate since 2004.

Frank Gaskell

Frank Gaskell was President of Euromontana for 8 years (2000-2008).
Formerly Head of the International Department of Highlands & Islands Enterprise (Scotland), he has extensive experience of economic and territorial development in mountain areas through his various roles as a member of the Monitoring Committee for the Interreg III Northern Periphery Programme, the Structural Funds Coordination Office for Scotland, the LEADER II Monitoring Committee for the North of Scotland and EURADA, the European Association of Development Agencies. He has been a member of the Senate since 2008.

André Marcon

André Marcon was President of Euromontana from 2008 to 2012 and Treasurer from 2012 to 2016.
Drawing on his experience in various economic structures, notably as President of the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Massif Central (France) and President of CCI France, his local mandate as Mayor of Saint-Bonnet-le-Froid and his various commitments to the development of the mountains of the Massif Central, André Marcon brings to Euromontana his experience in economic development and regional planning.
He has been a member of the Senate since 2016.

Martin Price

Martin Price, Emeritus Professor at the University of the Highlands and Islands (Scotland), is a founding member of Euromontana. Since its birth in Krakow, he has always brought insights from the research community, especially during his 8 years as Vice-President (2012-2020), and has represented Euromontana in various arenas, notably in the Mountain Partnership. He has been a lead author for the IPCC and has also contributed to raising awareness of the links between biodiversity and sustainable development, in particular within UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme. He has been a member of the Senate since 2020.

Gérard Bedos

Gérard Bedos was Vice-President of Euromontana from 2000 to 2004. An organic cattle farmer in Aude (France), he has been active in the development and promotion of mountain farming, notably as Vice-President of the Aude Chamber of Agriculture. He was also a member of the National Mountain Council, representing the Pyrenees Massif Committee. A member of the Senate since its creation in 2004, he shares his extensive knowledge of mountain farming and the Common Agricultural Policy.