Position papers

Face the challenge of climate change: adaptation for future generations

Euromontana's vision of climate change adaptation in mountain areas.

The X European Mountain Convention was organised on 3, 4 & 5 October 2016 in Bragança, Portugal, on the topic of climate change.

The direct effects of climate change are becoming increasingly visible. Due to their natural handicaps, mountains are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Mountain areas have difficult climatic and environmental conditions, but mountain people are used to adapting to them. Thanks to their great experience in innovation and adaptation, they have already started to face the challenge of climate change.

The X European Mountain Convention concluded with the adoption by the participants of the Bragança Declaration “Face the challenge of climate change: adaptation for future generations”. This Declaration sets out Euromontana’s approach and position on adaptation to climate change.

The Declaration includes:

  • Recommendations to boost mountain stakeholders’ capacities towards adaptation to climate change, including in sectors such as agriculture, forestry, tourism, water management, energy production and biodiversity conservation.
  • Euromontana’s future actions to support climate change adaptation in mountain areas.

Release date
5 October 2016

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