Position papers
EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change: facing the adaptation challenge in the mountains

Euromontana’s contribution for the post-2020 EU strategy on adaptation to climate change.
In the framework of the European Green Deal, the European Commission announced the publication of a new EU strategy on adaptation to climate change. Mountain areas being among the most sensitive territories to global disruptions caused by climate change, hence Euromontana contributed to the Commission’s consultation in order to stress the measures needed to better adapt to climate change.
This position paper provides recommendations on how the European Commission strategy and tools on climate change adaptation should consider the needs of mountain territories. It presents:
- A state of play on the impacts of climate change in mountain areas and the importance of those territories in the adaptation process.
- Recommendations on financing tools (funds and programmes) for climate change adaptation mountains, and especially from the LIFE and Horizon programmes.
- Specific challenges for mountains to be addressed in future research and innovation projects on climate change adaptation.
- Recommendations for improved climate proofing in the Common Agricultural Policy and Cohesion policy.