Position papers
Smart mountains: making our territories more attractive and resilient in the face of social, economic and environmental transitions

Euromontana's vision to make mountain areas more attractive and resilient in the face of social, economic and environmental transitions
The XII European Mountain Convention took place on 25, 26, & 27 October 2022 in the Sila National Natural Park, Italy.
The XII European Mountain Convention closed with the adoption by the participants of the Sila Declaration “Smart mountains: making our territories more attractive and resilient in the face of social, economic and environmental transitions”, which sets out Euromontana’s approach and vision of mountain areas towards 2050.
The Declaration includes:
- A statement on the current and future challenges in European mountains
- A commitment towards resilient, attractive, and respectful of ecosystems mountains areas
- Recommendations for European, national, regional and local authorities to achieve this vision of smart mountains by 2050.
- Euromontana’s future actions to promote smart mountains and sustainable mountain development in the face of current and future challenges and transitions.