Climate change in mountain areas: meeting the challenge of adapting water management and tourism

Euromontana, together with Eureka 21 and ADTconsult, has carried out for the French National Agency for Territorial Cohesion the study “Climate change in mountain areas: meeting the challenge of adapting water management and tourism – diverse perspectives on practices and policies in Europe”
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that global warming will reach between 1.5°C and 2°C during the 21st century compared to the pre-industrial era. Mountain areas are among the first to be affected by climate change and the IPCC stresses that the current adaptation efforts are insufficient to address future risks in mountain areas.
This study focuses on the challenges of adaptation in water and tourism management in mountain areas. It analyses the policies and practices implemented in 5 European mountain countries – Austria, Spain, Italy, Romania and Slovenia – and draws a comparison with the French case.
This study includes:
- Facts and figures on climate change, tourism and water resources in mountains.
- An overview of the policies targeting adaptation to climate change in mountain areas in the 5 countries covered by the study.
- Conclusions on how mountain areas are developing strategies to adapt tourism and water management.
- Recommendations for European, national, regional and local decision-makers to boost adaptation to climate change in these areas.