The XIII European Mountain Convention brought mountain stakeholders from all over Europe to shape the future of mountain economies in Europe
The XIII European Mountain Convention brought mountain stakeholders from all over Europe to shape the future of mountain economies in Europe
The X European Mountain Convention will examine the vulnerability of mountain areas to climate change and the adaptation and mitigation measures available to support mountain areas.
The IX European Mountain Convention will explore European agricultural policies, including the CAP, and how they can contribute to supporting mountain farming. The event will also facilitate networking between LAGs from mountain areas accross Europe.
The VIII European Mountain Convention will discuss the potential of mountain areas for young people and assess the conditions needed to make mountain areas attractive to young people. The Convention
The VII European Mountain Convention will develop a shared vision of innovation and how it can benefit key mountain sectors
The VI European Mountain Convention will focus on the creation of added value, the transformation of the economy and the industry, and the development of entrepreneurship in the mountains.
The V European Mountain Convention aims to illustrate how, by supporting territorial cohesion, mountains can make a major contribution to European growth
The IV European Mountain Convention will explore major current changes, such as the reform of rural development and enlargement, and their impact on mountain areas
The III European Mountain Convention aims to build a vision for mountain areas to unlock their potential and overcome their natural handicaps so that their unique assets can be safeguarded for the benefit of Europe.