
Designing rural policies to meet the transition challenges, RUSTIK project meeting

RUSTIK partners gathered in Parma (Italy) from 16th to 19th of October 2023 for a productive annual project meeting hosted by CREA, the Council for Agricultural Research. One year after the start of the project, the partners had the opportunity to present and reflect on the progress made in all the Work Packages and to plan the next steps for the coming year.

Forest Innovation Workshop 2023

We are pleased to invite you to the 5th forest innovation workshop, a biennial European initiative which promotes networking and exchanges among the community of forestry and wood industry innovators and actors.

Skills for Mountains in Transitions

In 2023, the European Year of Skills, Euromontana intends to focus on the challenges and possible solutions for employment and skills in mountain areas. The conference “Skills for Mountains in Transitions” will explore the difficulties and opportunities in specific economic sectors, as well as solutions for attracting talents to mountain areas.