The voice of
European mountains

Euromontana is the European multi-stakeholder network for sustainable development and quality of life in the mountains.
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of Europe’s surface area


of the European Union’s population


of Europe’s farms


of Natura 2000 sites


On World Water Day and World Glaciers Day, we call more than ever to strengthen Europe’s commitment to preserve glaciers, whose melting, especially in the Alps, poses a serious threat to Europe’s water supply.

Euromontana recently contributed to the European Commission’s public consultation on the EU Public Procurement Directive to share the voice of mountain communities.

After one year of research, testing and implementation, the ESPON project RURALPAN has come to an end. The project, coordinated by the County of Innlandet, aimed to develop strategies to improve territorial planning in shrinking societies.

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Working themes

Territorial development

We work on different key policies that contribute to the quality of life of local communities and the attractiveness of mountain areas.



The mountain environment is rich and unique. We work to preserve and restore it, increase the environmental resilience of mountain areas and help territories drive transitions.


Mountain landscapes are shaped by traditional, extensive and sustainable agriculture. We aim to promote mountain farming and improve the conditions of mountain farmers.


Mountain areas are veritable laboratories for finding new solutions to overarching challenges. We promote research and innovation in, with and for mountain communities.

Upcoming events

The webinar will provide evidence-based perspectives on the challenges and opportunities in rural areas, more specifically on the cycle of decline.

International Mountain Conference 2025

The International Mountain Conference is coming to Europe in Innsbruck! The main objectives of the conference are to synthesise and improve our understanding of mountain systems, in particular their response and resilience to global change.

All upcoming events